Range Sum Query - Immutable
Given an integer array nums, find the sum of the elements between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive.
Given nums = [-2, 0, 3, -5, 2, -1]sumRange(0, 2) -> 1 sumRange(2, 5) -> -1 sumRange(0, 5) -> -3
- You may assume that the array does not change.
- There are many calls to sumRange function.
0 <= nums.length <= 10^4
-10^5 <= nums[i] <= 10^5
0 <= i <= j < nums.length
/** Prefix Sum
* @param {number[]} nums
const NumArray = function (nums) {
nums.forEach((num, index) => {
nums[index] = (nums[index - 1] || 0) + num
this.nums = nums
* @param {number} i
* @param {number} j
* @return {number}
NumArray.prototype.sumRange = function (i, j) {
return this.nums[j] - (this.nums[i - 1] || 0)