Contiguous Array
Given a binary array, find the maximum length of a contiguous subarray with equal number of 0 and 1.
Example 1:
Input: [0,1] Output: 2 Explanation: [0, 1] is the longest contiguous subarray with equal number of 0 and 1.
Example 2:
Input: [0,1,0] Output: 2 Explanation: [0, 1] (or [1, 0]) is a longest contiguous subarray with equal number of 0 and 1.
Note: The length of the given binary array will not exceed 50,000.
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number}
var findMaxLength = function(nums) {
const map = {
0: -1
let sum = 0
let max = 0
for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
sum += nums[i] === 0 ? -1 : 1
if(map[sum] !== undefined) {
max =Math.max(max, i-map[sum])
} else {
map[sum] = i
return max