Break a Palindrome
Given a palindromic string palindrome
, replace exactly one character by any lowercase English letter so that the string becomes the lexicographically smallest possible string that isn't a palindrome.
After doing so, return the final string. If there is no way to do so, return the empty string.
Example 1:
Input: palindrome = "abccba" Output: "aaccba"
Example 2:
Input: palindrome = "a" Output: ""
1 <= palindrome.length <= 1000
consists of only lowercase English letters.
/** 暴力解法 O(n^2)
* @param {string} palindrome
* @return {string}
// const breakPalindrome = function (palindrome) {
// const isPalindrome = (str) => {
// let i = 0
// let j = str.length - 1
// while (i <= j) {
// if (str[i] !== str[j]) {
// return false
// }
// i++
// j--
// }
// return true
// }
// let result = ''
// for (let i = 0; i < palindrome.length; i++) {
// for (let j = 97; j < 97 + 26; j++) {
// const current = `${palindrome.slice(0, i)}${String.fromCharCode(j)}${palindrome.slice(i + 1)}`
// if (!isPalindrome(current)) {
// if (!result) {
// result = current
// } else {
// result = result < current ? result : current
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return result
// }
const breakPalindrome = function (palindrome) {
if (palindrome.length <= 1) {
return ''
for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(palindrome.length / 2); i++) {
if (palindrome[i] !== 'a') {
return `${palindrome.slice(0, i)}a${palindrome.slice(i + 1)}`
return `${palindrome.slice(0, palindrome.length - 1)}b`